Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Program reintroduces elk to far Southwest Virginia

RICHMOND -- Shunned for years, Rocky Mountain elk are finally being welcomed back into the state by Virginia wildlife officials.

At a meeting Tuesday, the Department of Game and Inland Fisheries board directed the agency's staff to undertake a pilot restoration program that calls for stocking 75 elk into Buchanan County, a rugged, economically depressed county where officials have been hoping for years to establish an elk herd.

Read Full Story Here

Friday, August 13, 2010

Possible Pro-Staff Position

I learned yesterday that I might have a Pro-Staff position come next week with a company inside the hunting industry. I am really excited about this as it will for one keep me blogging on a more regular basis. Two it will let me help people with a product that I am really excited about.

Hopefully this time next week I will know for sure.